

HIAB iQ.1188 HIPRO has been developed from the very beginning to excel in being an ‘allrounder’ loader crane, with - long outreach - lifting capabilities. Both the vertical and horizontal performances have been optimized, with the possibility to add the use of the specially designed JIB.

Innovations for doing more business

This new model is a powerhouse of innovation, the quantity of new and advanced solutions outpaces competition. The HIAB iQ.1188 HIPRO has been designed from the very beginning without compromises, allowing it to be highly competitive on performance within its category, but with the size and weight of the range below.


Designed from the business

What characterizes this model is the long reach horizontal and vertical high performance capabilities that are the result of a design tailored for this use without compromises.
The 9+6 extensions, or 10 extension layout structure turn out useful for the everyday tasks.

Driven by the end applications for which it was developed, key factors such as weight and frame size were considered crucial from the very beginning of the design phase of the HIAB iQ.1188 HIPRO.


Augmented customer experience

At the heart of the intelligence behind the crane, is the new SPACEevo control system, what was perfect got even more perfect.

The advanced functions assist the operators, even those less skilled to avoid damages and work rapidly and efficiently: VSL+, DLC-S, LSS-V and SAF are just some of the many available features.


Elevating the transporting capabilities

The innovative lightweight design, the addition of the optional Cyclone tank and the overall compact frame size, assure customers more space left for transporting materials related to their business.

This useful payload allows reducing going back and forth from the warehouse for moving materials, which translates into further fuel consumption, contributing to your businesses’ bottomline.


Powered by SPACEevo

At the forefront of one of the most advanced operating experiences of handling a crane, is the evolution of the control system: the new SPACEevo builds on the strong Hiab legacy in terms of precision, speed and delicate movements which customers highly appreciate and benefit from during daily operations.

“iQ” range of loader crane models are the step into the future of intelligent lifting equipment.

Its the overall combination of the hydraulics system, the powerful Olsbergs V200 valve and the set of sensors and cabling that fully work in an integrated manner, assuring smooth and rapid movements that all operators seek.


Driving the crane of the future

CD4 remote control: setting the standards in the industry.

DISPLAY: Excellent control over the crane movements; data and alerts clearly readable with the new three big color displays.


  • Powerful working area light.
  • Battery with personalized operator crane settings.
  • Haptic feedback for alerts and crane reactions.

SAFETY: The new remote communicates with the crane the position of the driver (with the optional Confirmed View), for opening the stabilisers only when in full sight of their view.

The 110tm loader crane with exceptional reach

Discover the many technological solutions that deliver the top performance of a 110tm range model that is competitive with bigger cranes and that comes instead with the benefits of a lightweight and compact frame of a 90tm type of crane.



The patent pending new profile shape is key to the very light weight of the crane compared to its performance capabilities. The new shape is the result of an advanced engineering development.



The JIB 155Q-6 extends the ‘up and over’ load delivery capabilities of the crane, with its V12-Power shape it ensures the right balance between weight and load capacity.



Lightweight champion

The HIAB iQ.1188 HIPRO delivers the performance of an 110tm crane, but with the frame size and weight of a similar 90tm range crane model with benefits for the installation type and cost.



Variety of configurations

Choose among several configurations from the basic E-8 to the complete E-9 with the JIB E-6 for the maximum flexibility, or additional reach with the E-10 version.



Load chart

Find the variant that best suits your business needs, from base units all the way to working with JIB.


Load chart


Load chart


Load chart


Load chart

Halten Sie Ihr Geschäft am Laufen


Indem Sie in ein Gerät von Hiab investieren, investieren Sie gleichzeitig in eine hohe Leistungsfähigkeit gegenüber Ihren Kunden. - Jeden Tag sicher und effizient. Mit Hiab Serviceleistungen haben Sie Zugriff auf die neuesten Tools und Connectivity-Lösungen, hochwertige Original-Ersatzteile und ein globales Netzwerk von Experten, die Sie während des gesamten Lebenszyklus Ihrer Geräte unterstützen und Ihnen die Verfügbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit bieten, die Sie benötigen um Ihr Geschäft am Laufen zu haben.

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ProCare Serviceverträge

Unsere flexiblen ProCare-Serviceverträge decken die vorbeugende Wartung Ihrer Geräte ab. Auf diese Weise werden Ausfallzeiten minimiert und jederzeit hohe Qualitätsstandards gewährleistet. Wählen Sie ganz individuell nach Ihren Anforderungen zwischen ProCare Essential und Total R&M (Raparatur & Wartung).

ProCare gibt Ihnen noch mehr Sicherheit, senkt die Gesamtbetriebskosten und trägt zum Werterhalt Ihres Krans bei. Lass Sie uns alle Wartungen und Inspektionen durchführen, um sicherzustellen, dass ihre Geräte auch nach Jahres noch die gleiche Qualität aufweisen, in die Sie investiert haben.

ProCare für EFFER


Original-Ersatzteile von höchster Qualität stellen sicher, dass Ihr Hiab-Geräte immer ein Hiab- Gerät bleibt! Mit anderen Worten: Diese Teile bieten Ihnen genau die Funktionalität, Leistung und Sicherheit, für die Sie sich beim Gerätekauf entschieden haben.

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Hiab Germany GmbH - Schenefeld Germany, Hiab Austria GmbH - Wiener Neustadt Österreich

©2024 Hiab. A part of Cargotec Corporation