Electric installations


All of Hiab’s equipment can be installed on electric trucks. Though the market is in its infancy, it is growing fast, and more than 1000 electric trucks were sold last year in Europe. The first installation done by Hiab on an electric truck was in 2018, and in the Netherlands, Hiab has already done more than 40 electric installations. The installations range from hooklifts to heavy loader cranes. Here are some examples of our electric installations.


ePTO for emission free power to HIAB cranes

Hiab can also provide separate electric power to HIAB loader cranes with ePTO (electric power take-off). Using electric power instead of conventional diesel power offers considerable benefits, including improved energy efficiency, lower noise levels and less environmental impact, while also making it possible to work indoors.


Solar charger for tail lifts

For tail lifts, most road calls are caused by power failure. The solar charging solution for WALTCO and ZEPRO solves this problem by generating power through solar panels on the roof of the truck or trailer and storing it in the tail lift battery.

Zepro Solar Charger

MOFFETT Eseries — The Emission free alternative


Hiab climate ambitions

The load handling industry is changing – fast. Operating restrictions in cities, changes to environmental legislations and a demanding fuel economy are driving challenges for more sustainable business. Tomorrow’s trucks will need to give you the same productivity or more with less environmental impact. And your fleet will need to be ready. Please contact Hiab to see how we can support your business.

Learn more about our sustainability ambitions or download the Hiab sustainable solutions brochure.

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Itämerenkatu 25, 00180 Helsinki, Finland

@2025 Hiab Corporation