ZEPRO documents

Here you can find all kinds of useful material. Some items are available for everyone, others require access to our Partner Portal. To access ZEPRO’s Partner Portal you need a valid username and password. If you don’t have the necessary log-in details, please email the following information to zeproservice@hiab.com:

  • Company
  • Name
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone number
  • Customer number

Installation & Technical Manuals

Owner's Manuals

ZEPRO Owner's Manual / Inspection & Maintenance



Quality and Environmental Certification

Load securing certificates EN 12642  XL:

Z10 15 20:
Z 10_15_20 AVI 40 flat without lock.pdf
Z 10_15_20 PML conicle without lock.pdf
Z 10_15_20 Steel with lock.pdf
Z 10_15_20 Steel without lock.pdf

Z1500-2000-155 ZL1500-2000-155 aluminium 40 plan without lock AVI.pdf
Z1500-2000-155 ZL1500-2000-155 aluminium conicle without lock PML.pdf
Z1500-2000-155 ZL1500-2000-155 steel with lock.pdf
Z1500-2000-155 ZL1500-2000-155 steel without lock.pdf
Z1500-2000-175_ZL1500-2000-175 aluminium 40 plan without lock AVI.pdf
Z1500-2000-175_ZL1500-2000-175 aluminium conicle without lock PML.pdf
Z1500-2000-175_ZL1500-2000-175 steel with lock.pdf
Z1500-2000-175_ZL1500-2000-175 steel without lock.pdf
Z1500-200-135 ZL15002000-135 aluminium 40 plan without lock.pdf
Z1500-200-135 ZL15002000-135 aluminium conicle without lock PML.pdf
Z1500-200-135 ZL15002000-135 steel with lock.pdf
Z1500-200-135 ZL15002000-135 steel without lock.pdf

Z2500 (130; 150) aluminium 40 plan without lock.pdf
Z2500 (130; 150) aluminium conicle without lock.pdf
Z2500 (130; 150) steel with lock.pdf
Z2500 (130; 150) steel without lock.pdf

ZAEHD 1500/2000:
Certifikat ZAEHD 1500-155.pdf
Certifikat ZAEHD 1500-175.pdf
Certifikat ZAEHD 2000-155.pdf
Certifikat ZAEHD 2000-175.pdf

ZAHD 2000 175:
ZAHD 2000-175 aluminium 40 plan without lock.pdf
ZAHD 2000-175 steel with lock.pdf
ZAHD 2000-175 steel without lock.pdf

ZDK 250:
ZDK250 (135; 155; 175) aluminium 40 plan without lock AVI.pdf
ZDK250 (135; 155; 175) aluminium conicle without lock PML.pdf
ZDK250 (135; 155; 175) steel with lock.pdf
ZDK250 (135; 155; 175) without lock.pdf

Underrun protection

Old certificates are available from ZEPRO Tech.

Cantilever Lifts 

ZU/ZNU/ZLU 45/75


Z 10-135


Z3N 75


Z 100


Z/ZL 1500/2000, Z 15/20, ZDK 250, Z/ZN 2500, ZHD 3000


Slider Lifts 



ZD 150/200




Special Lifts



Product specifications

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