When do you use your truck mounted forklift?


When do you use your truck mounted forklift?


Diesel and electric truck mounted forklifts do the same basic job, and, in most regards, electric truck mounted forklifts are just as capable as diesel-powered. In some cases, the advantages of the electric machine become extra obvious.

Urban nighttime deliveries

A clear advantage of an electric truck mounted forklift is the sound, or rather the lack of it. Operating an electric truck mounted forklift is a quiet experience because there is no noise from the engine. This makes the electric truck mounted forklift ideal if you need to make deliveries in urban areas without disturbing the surroundings.

If you need to deliver goods at nighttime, you might opt for an electric truck mounted forklift that uses batteries to provide power not only for propulsion, but also for hydraulics and steering.


Ready to learn more about the benefits of electric truck-mounted forklifts? Fill in the form below to download our comprehensive guide for free.

Perfect fits for an electric truck mounted forklift

  • Nighttime deliveries
  • Deliveries in quiet urban areas