Partners for Collaboration


We have high ambitions for the future.

Together we are stronger, and we seek to partner up with professionals from diverse fields. We engage. We collaborate. We act faster. We pioneer to provide new solutions.

We enter into a new era. Join us on an exciting journey.


Hiab’s sourcing works with its supplier base to ensure a sustainable and high QDCI (Quality, Delivery, Cost Competitiveness and Innovation) performance, guaranteeing for its part that Hiab meets customer expectations.

Our objectives for QDCI are:

Q – Quality is a pursuit for perfection targeting zero defects.

D – Deliveries on time and in the right quantity.

C – Cost competitiveness by improving productivity, increasing profitability and adding customer value.

I – Innovation through early and close technical cooperation on new technologies and for new products.

We aim to establish and manage a preferred supplier base from the best cost countries, and to keep the suppliers closely involved from the early phases of new product development and improvement projects.

We buy material directly in these main categories: Main steel structures, Light steel components, Steel plates, Aluminium Platforms, Hydraulics, Electronics, Hydraulic Cylinders, Castings and Forgings, Engines, Transportation, Fasteners and Accessories for Cranes.

Hiab Supplier Portal

Log in to the extranet portal:

If you are interested in becoming a Hiab supplier, please review the downloads below. They outline our quality and supplier requirements, and our general terms and conditions.

The FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) file provides details regarding the products and categories Hiab Sourcing purchases for both production and non-production, and the process followed to become a supplier.


For inquiries, please select the department that best fits your requirement.

Supplier requirements

Cargotec Terms and Conditions

Contact Us

For inquiries, please select the department that best fits your requirement.

Existing Suppliers who require supplier portal support or have login issues: Please contact your local Quality or Sourcing Contact to request assistance.


Itämerenkatu 25, 00180 Helsinki, Finland

@2025 Hiab Corporation